Continuous Improvement Opportunities that added value...


Continuous improvement is a key to delivering value adds to clients thereby enabling them to optimize in their business. Based on the improvements identified and implemented across multiple client scenarios, I am illustrating various key dimensions and levers.

Cost reduction:
  • Onsite/offshore rationalisation

  • Pyramid optimization

  • Application rationalisation

  • License Optimization (Azure/AWS/GCP, Tools, etc)

  • Infrastructure rationalisation (Servers, Data centers, Networks, etc)

  • Reusable assets creation and usage

Engineering Quality:
  • Tools usage for Code reviews, Build, Testing, CI, Code promotion, Deployment

  • Usage of design patterns

  • Improving maturity of Agile processes

Prevention maturity:
  • Technical debt reduction

  • NFR improvement - Availability, Maintainability, Performance, Scalability, Product upgrades

  • Automatable manual tasks/repeating activities in the process

  • Monitoring jobs

Process strengthening:
  • Intelligent Process Automation/ Robotic Process Automation

  • Application of Lean

  • Measurement systems to monitor the effectiveness

People maturity:
  • Upskilling of people

  • Cross skilling people within team

Example Continuous Improvement Opportunities:::

  • Clearing unused AWS instances

  • People optimization by measuring utilization

  • Looking at the doing most of the work at Offshore in an Onsite - Offshore model

  • Using Jenkins, stop the unused EC2 instances

  • Having scheduled nightly run of regression suite rather than running during working hours once in a sprint. This will improve build quality and also save effort

  • Usage of reusable components

Concluding note

Continuous improvement is no more a delighter. It is an essential component to ensure that we continue in the books of our clients. Infact, it has also become a contractual obligation to showcase Year on Year improvement. Hence a structured approach to identify improvement areas and acting on it is a key!